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Obnovitelná energie a úspory energie
Archiv článků od 18.6.2012 do 8.10.2012

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hybridní solární kolektor
Ing. Luboš Buchta, ČVUT

The article presents the current state of the issue of flat hybrid photovoltaic-thermal (FVT) collectors, focused on the differences between the basic types of collectors, their advantages and disadvantages. There is also presented an overview of the current global manufacturers. The article aims to highlight the problems but also the opportunities associated with different types of the hybrid FVT collectors.

Ing. Bronislav Bechník, Ph.D.

Another in series of expert roundtables on energy discussed mechanisms of electricity prices creation in the Czech Republic and in Germany, the context of their current development and potential development in the coming years, including relations with the development of various renewable energy sources and energy industry in both countries.

Mgr. Jiří Zilvar, redakce

Building on its success in convening core parts of the finance value chain around sustainability challenges, CPSL is drawing together this work in a form that is suitable for policy makers and investors wishing to engage in the Central and Eastern European region. This project builds on the successful UK-Hungary Finance Forum held in London on 24 October 2011.

Ing. Bronislav Bechník, Ph.D., redakce

Act No. 165/2012 Coll. in its § 17 excluded all photovoltaic power plants up to 30 kWp of installed power from payment of so-called solar tax. However, based on official opinion of General Directorate of Finance, distribution system operators are continuing in collecting of the tax. According to the interpretation of law firm Šikola a partneři (Sikola and partners) the practice is in conflict with the Act. Controversy is about whether "§ 12, 17" in list of provisions of the Act, which will enter into force on the day of its publication, means "§ 12 and § 17" as it is interpreted by the law firm, or something else.

Ing. Jan Melichar, Ph.D., Mgr. Vojtěch Máca, Ph.D.

In a decision-making process – such as the one about national energy strategy – an economic assessment of alternative energy systems should account for social costs of electricity (and heat) production. This encompasses both private costs of the producer(s) as well as external costs, which are primarily associated with health and environmental impacts. Because the risks are not fully reflected in the prices of electricity, the application of alternative approaches is needed for monetary valuation of externalities. In this respect, ExternE is currently the most worked-out approach, which is already more than 20 years used and developed in the research projects for the European Commission. Fact that ExternE treats the analysis of externalities from bottom to up (bottom-up approach), makes possible to quantify marginal impacts of different energy facilities using different fuel types, in a particular place and time. At the same time ExternE enables to structure external costs estimates by type of the impact on health risks, loss of agricultural production and biodiversity, corrosion of materials and damage associated with climate change.

Ing. Bronislav Bechník, Ph.D.

In practical aspects of recycling of photovoltaic modules have been relatively minor shift. It was, however, adopted a new legislation both at the European level and in the Czech Republic. Requirements of the Czech legislation in the case of photovoltaic panels are beyond the requirements of the European Directive and the Czech decree on waste electrical and electronic equipment. Operators of PV power plants (owners of photovoltaic modules) are obliged to provide financing for the recycling by 1st January 2019, even though the large-scale recycling will come into effect the earliest after 2030 and real cost of the recycling is not known recently.

Ing. Bronislav Bechník, Ph.D., redakce

More than two years ago, in mid-April 2010, modified information from the Spanish newspaper El Mundo was published by the Czech media. The original report said that some of the photovoltaic power plant in Spain have reported production even at night. In virtually all the Czech mass media an urban legend has been added to this report about lighting to the photovoltaic panels at night using electricity produced by diesel generator. The curious thing is that at current fossil fuel prices, electricity from new solar power plants is cheaper than electricity from diesel. More curious is that the urban legend was presented again, in headline news of the Czech public TV. Even though already 19th May 2010 the El Mundo published statement of the Comisión Nacional de Energía that no such fraud occurred.

Ing. Milan Bechyně, redakce TZB-info

Last day of July the Minister of Industry and Trade Martin Kuba hosted briefing on the planned update of the State Energy Policy. In his 40-minute presentation he presented the main points of the upcoming strategy document that aims to comments from other ministries. State Energy Policy document should be determining the direction of energy development in the next 25 years.

Ing. Bronislav Bechník, Ph.D.

The USA introduced anti-dumping duty to Chinese photovoltaic panels, such a move is going in the EU too. China responded by introducing duties on solar silicon imported from the USA. The result in each case is the price increase and extension of the panels in photovoltaics being competitive with electricity from fossil sources.

Adrien Vogt-Schilb, Stéphane Hallegatte

This paper investigates the use of activity-explicit Marginal Abatement Cost Curves (MACC) to design abatement strategies. It shows that introducing inertia, in the form of the cost in time of available options, changes significantly the message from MACCs. With an abatement objective in cumulative emissions (e.g. emitting less than 200 GtCO2 in the 2000-2050 period), it makes sense to implement some of the most expensive options before exhausting the potential of the cheapest ones. With abatement targets expressed in terms of emissions at one point in time (e.g. reducing emissions by 20% in 2020), it can even be preferable to start implementing the most expensive options if their potential is high and their inertia is significant. Also, the best strategy to reach a short-term target depends on whether this target is the ultimate objective or there is a longer-term target. The best way to achieve Europe's goal of 20% reduction in emissions by 2020 is different if this objective is the ultimate objective or if it is only a milestone in a trajectory toward a 75% reduction in 2050. The cheapest options may be sufficient to reach the 2020 target but may create a carbon-intensive lock-in and making the 2050 target unreachable. These results show that without perfect foresight and perfect credibility of the long-term carbon-price signal, a unique carbon price in all sectors is not the most efficient approach. Overlapping sectoral objectives, such as the 20% renewable energy target in Europe, fuel-economy standards in the auto industry, or changes in urban planning, building norms and infrastructure design may be part of an efficient mitigation policy.
The paper was presented on EAERE 2012 conference.
Full version of the paper is available here: Vogt_WPS5803.pdf

Ing. Bronislav Bechník, Ph.D.

On Saturday June 30th 2012 was closed 19th Annual Conference of the Association of Environmental Economists EAERE 2012 at the University of Economics in Prague. During the closing ceremony the awards for the best poster, the excellent publication and the most important practical achievement was forwarded. The main plenary lecture was focused to problems of modeling market and environmendal issues together.

Atomkraft? Nein danke
Ing. Bronislav Bechník, Ph.D.

Prevailing formulations especially in the Czech mass media could give the impression that the German nuclear phase-out is a hysterical reaction to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident. In fact it was only a return to the original plan, which was enacted in an agreement negotiated with the operators of nuclear power plants.

Ing. Bronislav Bechník, Ph.D.

Environmental economists conference EAERE 2012 continued by the second day of lectures. Plenary Keynote Lecture named Integrated Assessment Modeling in Economics and Climate Change was held by prof. William D. Nordhaus from Yale University, USA. The lecture was followed by Plenary Panel Session on Rio +20 conference.

Ing. Bronislav Bechník, Ph.D.

The EAERE 2012 conference continued on Thursday 28 6th 2012 with lectures, which were arranged in three blocks with 16 parallel sessions focusing on different aspects of environmental economics. After the first block of lectures the main lecture focused to the valuation of ecosystem services in UK was included. The first day of the conference was closed by a social evening at the historical building of Rudolfinum.

Meteorologická stanice Maruška, foto Czech RE Agency
Tomáš Markvart, University of Southampton

A simplified procedure is described which determines the sizes of the PV array and wind turbine in a PV/wind energy hybrid system. Using the measured values of solar and wind energy at a given location, we review a method based on a simple graphical construction which determines the optimum configuration of the two generators that satisfies the energy demand of the user throughout the year.

Ing. Bronislav Bechník, Ph.D.

STEM - agency for public opinion research - presented the results of the survey focused on support for nuclear energy in the Czech Republic. STEM prepares research on this topic for CEZ since 1994. Despite the support is higher than that in previous survey conducted in 2011 after Fukushima Daiichi disaster, it is far below of that in 2009 or 1994.

Ing. Bronislav Bechník, Ph.D.

Last week Alliance for Energy Independence released the results of public opinion research focused on support for renewable energy sources, which it entered at the SC&C. CEZ responded by publishing the results of another survey focused on support for nuclear energy, which it entered at the STEM. Scope of the SC&C study is broader. On other hand questions of STEM study are more suggestive.


Construction of Science and Technology Park and Technology Transfer Centre Vysočina was launched June 14th 2012 by the foundation stone ceremony in Jihlava. It is only the second center of this type in the region. The technology park will be open by January 10th 2014. In the project participate two universities: CTU in Prague and MENDELU in Brno. Main focus is in technologies that reduce emissions and sustainability in the energy sector and in sectors such as manufacture of electrical equipment, aerospace, automotive, IT and construction.

Going Green logo
Mgr. Jiří Zilvar, redakce

Representatives of business, government, international institutions, industry and research, presented on the conference their vision and practical steps to reduce consumption and protect the climate.

Ing. Petr Kubesa, Ing. Jiří Horák, Ph.D.

This paper examines the process of burning piece of wood in the low power fireplace (units to tens of kW). This combustion process is cyclical and what users are most interested in the combustion device, the frequency of fuel to the fire. The paper defines the basic concepts such as burn-up curve and the burn rate that have close relationship to the rate of reloading.

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