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Archiv článků od 30.8.2010 do 2.5.2011

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Ing. Bronislav Bechník, Ph.D., Czech RE Agency, o. p. s., Czech RE Agency, o. p. s.

The European Solar Days successfully promote the use of a free unlimited renewable energy source available everywhere to everyone to generate electricity as well as heating and cooling: the SUN.
This campaign raises public awareness and involves several hundred thousand citizens at local level. Pioneer countries such as Austria, Germany, Switzerland, as well as others that successfully embraced this initiative like France, Italy and Spain, are only too keen to share their experience and help spread the word. The European Solar Days are celebrated in an increasing number of countries and in 2010 around 6.600 events were planned in 17 European countries by diverse organisations ranging from solar equipment manufacturers to schools and local authorities.

Ing. Dalibor Skácel, Katedra energetických zařízení - TU Liberec

European and national policy and trends promoting the development and use of renewable energy recently caused a boom for solar systems for DHW and heating in family houses in this country. Whether it makes sense, what are the problems for such systems since we can expect and how to optimize these systems, this post.

Radim Bařinka, Aleš Poruba

Coloured photovoltaic cells are occasionally used in architectural applications. Their wider utilisation is currently limited by the lower efficiency compared to cells with an optimal anti-reflective coating. Research is focused on desing and manufacturing of anti-reflective coating, which besides of required color will have minimised the reflection in the infrared.

Univ. Prof. Arch. DI Dr. Martin Treberspurg, DI Roman Smutny, Division of Sustainable Construction, Institute of Structural Engineering

Over 5000 buildings in Austria have been constructed in the passive standard. In the future, a considerable part of new constructions should be build in the passive standard. The goal is to have all subsidised residential buildings built in the passive standard by 2015. The aim of the study was to learn from the first residential complexes of passive buildings. The main questions were: Do the passive buildings meet the ambitious expetations of the project? How satisfied are the people living in them? What additional construction costs can be expected and what are the actual energy savings compared to conventional residential complexes?

Michael Klinski a Tor Helge Dokka, SINTEF Byggforsk Oslo

As in other countries, in Norway energy remediation is carried out mostly on an average level. For a decade, this has blocked highly effective energy saving measures in public housing because better energy remediation measures pay off only after a long time. Myhrerenga is the first block of flats in Norway renovated according a passive house concept.

Ing. Martin Vonka, Ph.D., ČVUT Praha, Fakulta stavební

One of the way how to recognize quality of buildings are methods for sustainable buildings classification. SBToolCZ is a certification method for complex building quality classification according to sustainable buildings principles – including environmental, social and economic criterions. The SBToolCZ method is based on the international SBTool system. Criterions and requirements are being modified according to standards development on the international level. SBToolCZ was developed on Faculty of civil engineering (Czech Technical University Prague), CIDEAS centre.

Ing. Petra Pochmanová, Vlastimil Růžička

Subsidy programs to promote the reduction of energy consumption and to increase the use of renewable energy sources are available not only in the Czech Republic but also in our neighbouring countries. Let's have a look at the possibilities of financial support are available in Germany field of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources.

Ing. Petr Morávek, CSc., Atrea s.r.o.

Low energy (LEB) and passive buildings (PB) are becoming standard for new constructions in EU countries. They aren't experiments anymore, but absolutely ordinary mass production of sophisticated residential buildings. Only in Germany, Austria and Switzerland there are already thousands of buildings that meet the passive standard and their number doubles every year. The cost of passive buildings is only 5-7 % higher than those of conventional ones, and yet, their consumption of energy and heating is up to 90 % lower!

RNDr. Jiří Svoboda, DSc., Ústav fyziky materiálů, Akademie věd ČR

Author raises discussion and proposed changes in the rules of the energy audit. Draws attention to the criteria for evaluating alternatives and to small requirements for variability solutions. Read controversy of the author and reviewer who considers the methodology as sufficient and sees a problem in processing audits.

Koberovy na TZB-info
Ing. Petr Morávek, CSc., ATREA

The group of twelve residential passive houses and school facilities in Koberovy can be characterised as the first mass project of experimental construction based on energy efficient wooden structures carried out in the Czech Republic. The construction is located on a plot of land oriented to the South. The concept respects the regulations for the protected area Czech Paradise within urban communities, which require saddle roof, entrance through the longer part of the façade, limited glazing areas, among others. The concept does not result in a monotonous terraced construction. The new housing estate is logically related to the current character of the surrounding buildings in the village.

Dalibor Šalanský, Luma Plus s.r.o. člen ILPC

Protection against lightning is something other than a lightning conductor. Lightning conductor is for capturing a flash, for safely the grounding system. It is for the prevent injury of people and protection against fire house. If it is all what we will do, we can say goodbye to all the electronics.

Ing. Petr Bohuslávek, redakce

The directive 2010/31/EU on the Energy Performance of Buildings – called EPB, EPBD II or EPBD Recast – was passed last May. EU member countries are obliged to implement these new requirements into their national legislations. The implementation of 2010/31/EU was addressed by a number of seminars during the recent Aqua-therm 2010 trade fair. The following article presents you with the most important facts from the presentations and with links to information that was published before and during Aqua-Therm 2010.

Mgr. Petr Holub

National Renewable Energy Action Plan of the Czech Republic (NREAP), which was 25 August 2010 approved by the Czech government is not sufficiently fulfilling the requirements of Directive 2009/28/EC. A combination of the NREAP and the draft of the large amendment of the Act. No. 180/2005 Coll. on promotion of renewable energy sources can paradoxically lead to a downturn of the renewable energy sector.

Bronislav Bechník

Indicative target of renewable electricity share in gross final energy consumption for the Czech Republic is 8 % in 2010. All the time before it was announced by Ministry of Industry and Trade (MPO) the target is unrealistic. Despite of that it is expected the target will be reached this year.

Ing. Lucie Šancová, Ing. Karel Srdečný

Designing solar systems so they will produce the the most heat during the year or electricity at the lowest cost is quite a complex matter. A number of factors should be considered when calculating the solar systems, especially the intensity of the solar radiation in individual locations throughout the year. Without a simulation software that can work with this variable data, the calculation can only be very approximate. If we want to get more accurate results and fast, using sofware is esential.

J.V.Ráž, DiS.

The physical properties of heat transfer fluids affect the design of all the components of heating systems, which in practice are in most cases dimensioned for water flow, which is later replaced by another liquid for which designers do not have the necessary data.

Ing. Tereza Žemlová, Ing. Ivo Jiříček, CSc., Prof. Ing. Václav Janda, CSc.

Heat released in biomass combustion can be effectively stored in an accumulation tank. Traditionally, water is used as a main heat transfer medium. However, progressive materials, such as Phase Change Materials (PCM´s), offer better heat storage capacities. The materials work on principle of sensible and latent heat accumulation / release. While the phase change material takes up the heat, during the reversed process the stored latent heat is released. In our work the following materials were studied: paraffinic waxes, fatty acids and their eutectic mixtures. These materials provide higher heat potential per unit volume. Therefore, PCM´s can prolong the lifetime of biomass-fired systems.

prof. Ing. Karel Kabele, CSc., ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta stavební, Katedra technických zařízení budov

A revised version of the directive was issued in 2010 under the title 2010/31/EU. In part, it is a modification of the original. In it, there are have been defined new administrative tools to increase the energy performance of buildings - among others, it includes the concept of "building with almost 0 energy consumption".

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