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Archiv článků od 28.2.2012 do 21.5.2012

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Akad. arch. Aleš Brotánek

Construction of straw often attracts a supporter of natural building, however we encounter a critical rejection of orthodox among builders. Post of architect Aleš Brotánek analyzes using straw in facades of wooden buildings, which seems to be questionable at present. It defends its environmental advantages, but also a convenient fire resistance of over 120 minutes due to protection (external and internal) non-flammable layers of clay and a thickness of 50 mm and lime plaster thickness of 30 mm. The application of straw is accompanied by practical examples, including installation.

Ing. Jiří Horák, Ph.D., Ing. Petr Kubesa

The essence of the combustion process is burning fuel. This is a phenomenon that the authors clearly and wittily likened to the relationship of man and woman. At the same time in the article they explain in detail the technical terminology such as calorific value, combustion heat, humidity of wooden fuel, and the efficiency of common and condensing boilers.

úspory elektrické energie
Miroslav Haluza, Jan Macháček

At a European level a Directive of the European Parliament and Council 2010/31/EU on the energy performance of buildings (EPBD) has been released in 2010 whereas the main requirement is to reduce energy consumption in buildings (replacing 2002/91/EC). A set of European standards have been issued for its implementation, eg EN 15232 Energy performance of buildings - Impact of automation, control and management of buildings. In the Czech Republic the Directive was implemented by Act No. 406/2000 Coll. energy management and decree 148/2007 on the energy performance of buildings. The current global trend is characterized by promoting energy efficient technologies. The aim of this work is to summarize domestic household consumption, it´s prediction and analysis of potential energy savings by using the wiring system (BACS).

udržitelný rozvoj
Ing. Karel Bušta, Ing. Zdeněk Wagner, CSc.

The second part of the article describes new methods of utilisation of carbon dioxide, especially for accummulation of energy from renewable sources. Skepticism on the possibility of the carbon capture and storage is expressed too.

Energetické družstvo v Kalifornii
Mgr. Jiří Zilvar, redakce

Birthplace of energy cooperatives is Scandinavia. Energy cooperatives are common in Germany too, they begin to pursue in Australia, USA, Canada, United Kingdom and other countries. In Denmark, cooperative ownership was a key factor of successful development of renewable energy in this country.

Ing. Karel Bušta, Ing. Zdeněk Wagner, CSc.

Currently carbon dioxide is commonly referred to as a difficult waste, which must be disposed in some way. The methods of disposal are often questionable (eg CCS) associated with high costs and uncertain effect. A rational approach in line with modern trends, however, is trying to use it as raw material. Overview of the technical possibilities of carbon dioxide utilization is presented.

Mgr. Roman Juriga, Pravoslavná akademie Vilémov

When the Church speaks the word energy, theologically educated Christian thinks of God's uncreated energies that permeate and sustain the Universe. By his creative energies the God gives the world the "essence and properties," He is still present in nature and takes care of the Universe ...

Fotovoltaika na střeše kostela, Schoenau, E. Sequens
Ing. Bronislav Bechník, Ph.D.

Christian churches use a slightly different terminology than the general population. Instead of protection of the environment they are talking about protection of God's creation. From their perspective, the topic is not ecological but theological. In the context of renewable energy sources social aspects are much more accented.

Elektřina z fotovoltaiky a větru v Německu 2012
Ing. Bronislav Bechník, Ph.D.

Share of renewable energy in German electricity mix surpases 20 %. Even in cold weather they cover significant part of energy consumption.

Ing. Marek Baláš, Ph.D., Ing. Martin Lisý, Ph.D., Ing. Jiří Moskalík

The paper is focused on general description of boilers and their basic classification on the basis of using fuels and main design differences. There are mentioned general descriptions and parameters of particular sorts of boilers. There is put the most emphasis on water tube boilers for combustion of solid fuel and description of grate systems.

Vlastníci fotovoltaické elektrárny
Mgr. Jiří Zilvar, redakce

Birthplace of energy cooperatives is Scandinavia. Energy cooperatives are common in Germany too, they begin to pursue in Australia, USA, Canada, United Kingdom and other countries. In Denmark, cooperative ownership was a key factor of successful development of renewable energy in this country.

Ing. Milan Bechyně, redakce TZB-info

The amount of volume coefficient depends on elevation of location of gas consumption and the temperature of gas flowing through the gasometer. In this paper we describe the procedure by which you can check that the coefficient of volume on the invoice is correct. The coefficient is one of the factors that affect your cost of gas.

energetika paliva plyn pelety
Ing. Bronislav Bechník, Ph.D.

At present, nobody knows how the energy future will look like. What is certain is that fossil resources can be depleted in the horizon of decades. Proven reserves of uranium – if the power consumption should be replaced by current reactors – would last for only a few years. There are only three promising energy technologies: nuclear fusion, fast breeder reactors with closed fuel cycle and renewable energy sources, along with energy efficiency. While commissioning of the first fusion power plant is expected the earliest by 2040, and demonstration plants with so-called generation IV reactors in 2030, renewable energy sources are already massively installed at present. Construction of nuclear power plant is always more expensive and takes more time than originally planned. Situation of renewables and especially photovoltaic is the reverse – they are built faster and the prices are lower than anyone imagined.

Ing. Marek Baláš, Ph.D., Ing. Martin Lisý, Ph.D., Ing. Jiří Moskalík

The paper deals with basic separation of fuels and their classification on the basis of various points of view. There are mentioned descriptions of basic characteristics of fuels which are usually determined for standard fuels. Lastly, there are mentioned general parameters of the most widespread fuels and short description of incineration.

Ing. Bronislav Bechník, Ph.D.

National Renewable Energy Action Plan of the Czech Republic sets national target for the share of energy from renewable sources by 2020 in electricity, heating and cooling and transport. Trajectory of interim targets is defined too.

Malá větrná elektrárna na střeše budovy
Mgr. David Hanslian, Ústav fyziky atmosféry AV ČR, v.v.i.

Small wind turbines in comparison with large ones are usually applied at much lower altitudes, which correspond to the substantially lower wind speed. Wind speed at nominal power is achieved rarely or never. For estimation of energy production a dependence of power output on wind speed (performance curve) at lower wind speeds is substantial.

Jan Dolenský

The article deals with the possibility of increasing of the energy production efficiency from photovoltaic plants. Input documentation was provided by PV power plant operator in South Moravia, from their installations up to 0.5 MWp. The article aims to analyze the possibilities of increasig operation efficiency, both in terms of technical design and optimization of already finished PV plants and comparation with real facts and economic factors.

úsporné žárovky, výbojky, diody
Ing. Petr Žák, ČVUT FEL, Praha

The article deals with the basic trends in electric light sources and phasing out inefficient energy sources from the market. The article provides a very good overview of the sudden development of specific performance of each new promising types of light sources, whether they are electrodeless source or light emitting diodes LEDs.

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