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Archiv článků od 6.1.2014 do 16.6.2014

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Ing. Martin Kny, Ing. Miroslav Urban, Ph.D.

This paper is focused on hot water tanks for long-term heat storage. Describes the design of the tanks and and their properties. The evaluation of tanks is based on the results of real systems. Tanks are mainly used for solar systems with long-term heat storage. The use of solar systems with long-term heat storage for building opens new possibilities for further savings of energy from non-renewable sources.

Ing. Jan Vidim

The article describes the norm for photovoltaic plant monitoring, EN 61724. It attempts to explain the meaning of measured and derived values, and compares the requirements of the norm with today’s operational practice. The EN 61724 is, in spite of being 15 years old, not very much known, although it contains many useful informations and hints. It is crucially important for comparing of PV power plants between each other, as it standardizes the evaluation processes, which is the basic condition for a meaningful benchmarking.

Ing. Vladimír Stupavský, redakce TZB-info, Klastr Česká peleta

In 2014 enters or has entered into a joint program to promote the replacement of the obsolete boilers at least five counties. Grants are intended solely for individuals who own property in the county. In addition to its purchase of the boiler it is possible to grant eligible costs include heating, the purchase of pumps, storage tanks, etc.

Ing. Vladimír Stupavský, redakce TZB-info, Klastr Česká peleta

Reduce the amount of air emissions, provide households and businesses cheaper to heat and at the same time stimulate the economy and encourage the market for renewable energy sources - these are common goals for the Czech, Austrian, German and British government. Each country, however, these objectives released after different way. While our currently running national subsidies in the UK came this spring with a program RHI (Renewable Heat Incentive) for households. In many ways, this program is unique worldwide and will be interesting to see whether it becomes an inspiration for other European countries, hence the Czech Republic.

Mgr. Jiří Zilvar, redakce

Although more and more people in the Czech republic understand the principle of net metering, only a minority understands it's purpose as well. Due to Czech negative experience with uncorrected feed-in tariff is any other renewable energy support viewed with suspicion and scepticism. The article explains the purpose of net metering as non-financial mechanism of renewable energy support - what is it good for, what we can expect from it, who will benefit from it and who will carry the costs.

dřevěné pelety
Ing. Vladimír Stupavský, redakce TZB-info, Klastr Česká peleta

This article assesses the subject of modern and efficient ways of using energy from wood that has been widely discussed within the scientific lectures on fair TECHAGRO and BIOMASS 2014. The author outlines the development of the cross-section of the use of wood fuels from forest management in the context of the application of forest logging residues, or sawdust from wood processing industry in the energy sector in the Czech Republic.

manažer s provozním řádem
Bc. Martin Hablovič, VŠB-Technická univerzita Ostrava, Fakulta stavební, Katedra městského inženýrství

This article focuses on the issue of creation of operating rules that pertain to the field of operational documentation. Operating rules are an essential part of the efficient operation of the property. This article is targeted to the content site of operating rules by various functional use of objects. A method of operation of the building affects the composition of future operating rules. In this article, the individual include the composition and structure defined according to the method of use of the building.

globální oteplování
Ing. Bronislav Bechník, Ph.D.

The lecture and the following panel discussion took place following the release of third part of IPCC fifth assessment report (AR5) which was published in Berlin a day before. The event was organized by the Commission for the Environment of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Climate Coalition, and the United Nations Information Centre in Prague in cooperation with the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Prague.

doc. Ing. Tomáš Matuška, Ph.D., Ing. Bořivoj Šourek, Ph.D.

Three systems dedicated purely for heating of water - one solar thermal and two different photovoltaic - were compared under comparable climate conditions and heat consumption. The comparison was made using simulation software TRNSYS. Subsequently, based on several bids, economic comparison of the three systems was made.

Větrná elektrárna
Ing. Bronislav Bechník, Ph.D.

Capacity factor of wind power plants in the Czech Republic according to different sources varies in a huge range from pessimistic “4–14 %” to the optimistic “up to 36 %”. The problem arises when via press releases of the ČTK (Czech Press Agency) erroneous data are distributed, which then influences the public debate.
In fact, the average annual capacity factor of the whole set of wind power plants in the Czech Republic is around 20 % or slightly above this level in the last five years. In the longer term the capacity factor increases, because newer wind farms have annual capacity factor about 25 %.
Pessimistic value of the capacity factor below 15 %, are in a better case based on outdated information, or on data from inconvenient installation locations or turbines with technical problems. In the worst case this involves a focused misinformation. If they are published by not direct opponents of wind energy, suggests such values​​, if they are considered to be related to the total production of electricity from wind in the Czech Republic, the ignorance of the issue.
Optimistic values ​​around 25 % may be related to newer wind turbines in the Czech Republic. Values ​​well above 25 % could be a data of individual wind turbines, results of a shorter period, or the expected results of future installations of which the rated power of the generator is less than would correspond to the size of the rotor.

fotovoltaická a větrná elektrárna
Ing. Aleš Bufka, Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu

Concept Data Support Department of the Ministry of Industry and Trade has prepared this statistical report as a comprehensive national statistics on renewable energy sources. The final part of the report provides statistical data of the categories Energy use of waste and alternative fuels, Hydropower, Wind Power, Photovoltaics, Solar thermal systems, Heat pumps and Geothermal energy.

Ing. Aleš Bufka, Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu

Concept Data Support Department of the Ministry of Industry and Trade has prepared this statistical report as a comprehensive national statistics on renewable energy sources. The second part of the report focuses on energetic use of biomass.

Ing. Júlia Weismanová

One of the most important boundary conditions occuring in the thermal building simulations is the thermal power penetrated into building elements as a result of the solar radiation. Intensities of the solar radiation are usually measured by weather-stations on the horizontal plane, and thus not directly applicable for the computations. Paper provides the methodology for recomputation of the total solar radiation measured by the pyranometer on the horizontal surface to the intensities of arbitrarily oriented wall and provides simulation results for the nineteen days.

Air house - solar decathlon
Ing. Antonín Lupíšek, Ing. Pavel Nechanický, Ing. Kateřina Sojková, Ing. Ondřej Surý, Ing. Martin Volf, Ing. Michal Marek, prof. Ing. Jan Tywoniak, CSc.

In October 2013 in Orange County Great Park in city of Irvine, California, took place the sixth edition of the prestigious international competition of universities U.S. Solar Decathlon 2013. This round took part also Team Czech Republic from the Czech Technical University in Prague, which finished at overall third place. The article describes in detail building services used in the AIR House.

Ing. Aleš Bufka, Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu

Concept Data Support Department of the Ministry of Industry and Trade has prepared this statistical report as a comprehensive national statistics on renewable energy sources. First part of the report focuses on the position of RES in the energy balance of the Czech Republic and describes in detail the development of the category of biogas and liquid biofuels.

Ing. Vladimír Stupavský, redakce TZB-info, Klastr Česká peleta

The conference program was a series of legislative innovations in bio-energy in 2014 and specific topics such as finding the actual owners of photovoltaic power plants, stop the construction of biogas plants, description of the principal markets for pellets, the future specifically grown biomass.

Ing. Slavomír Entler

According to an official decision the fusion energy is not a renewable energy source. This ad hoc decision ignores the basic physical reality and the condition to some extent reminds the inquisition, because some people impose their opinion as superior to the logic and nature itself. This article points out a possible cause of negative attitudes towards nuclear fusion, and to all nuclear sources without knowledge of the facts.

Ing. Bronislav Bechník, Ph.D.

Key messages of the publication Limits to Growth are often misinterpreted, especially in the Czech Republic. For example, the input assumptions of the model World3 are referred to as forecasts. Some of the model scenarios are selected, and then they are referred to as predictions of disaster.

Ing. Petr Kubesa, Ing. Jiří Horák, Ph.D., Ing. František Hopan, Ph.D., Ing. Kamil Krpec, Ph.D., Ing. Lubomír Martiník

The object of article is to provide basic information about approaches to testing of stoves burning solid fuels in Europe and some other countries. Generally, stoves in Europe are tested according standard EN 13240. However, there’re other standards on national basis, for example Norwegian standards NS3058 and NS3059. If we look away from European border we can found standards which describe methods of stove testing – Australian/New Zealand standards and EPA standards in U.S.A. The article provides information about measuring sets, characterization of used fuels, testing categories for burning periods, measured parameters, emission limits and others things which are in these standards.

Ing. Vladimír Stupavský, redakce TZB-info, Klastr Česká peleta

Biomass Action Plan envisages the available space in 3 variants with respect to the degree of self-sufficiency in food C.R. Area of fast-growing tree species growing steadily, in terms of total energy production is negligible involvement. By registering, according to the law of ash can be removed from the category of waste, and consequently can be applied as fertilizer.

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