The article describes use of Miscanthus sinensis for a manufacturing of pulp. Miscanthus sinensis is a perennial plant, its cultivating is easy and it can be used for various purposes.
In the first phase of the pulp preparation from Miscanthus, a laboratory preparation of pulp was done at the University of Pardubice in total amount of 6 individual batches. In the second phase a selected laboratory batch was prepared in a pilot production process and ca. 2000 g of pulp in total was generated for further tests.
Mechanical properties and also other properties typical for pulp were determined on prepared samples. The produced pulp was used in the next step for a preparation of fibre-cement boards. Their basic physico-mechanical parameters were also determined.
After evaluation of all data that we have, production of 500 kg of pulp was done. Then the pulp was used to produce fibre-cement boards in a mass production.
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