Alternative energy sources are gradually taking a growing share in the worldwide production of electricity. Solar power is perhaps the easiest to implement and least expensive, its use is not too complicated and can you can easily experiment with it even in a small scale. It is easily accessible to anyone interested in environmentally friendly production of energy. To get started with it, it is just enough to buy one solar panel with a few additional components, and place it on a sufficiently sun-lit place and the production of energy can begin. Certainly, an interesting idea for users is that after the initial investment the system for several years basically doesn't have any requirements, and that it will produce energy for free.
A solar panel (photovoltaic panel or module) is a part of several interconnected solar units with a usual output of around 300W, which generated an voltage corresponding to the multiple voltages of the interconnected individual units. The source of higher outputs consisting of several interconnected solar panels is usually referred to as a solar power plant.
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