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Ing. Zdeněk Lyčka, APTT

The article explains the differences between the invention patents and utility model from the perspective of Czech legislation. Also highlights the confusion individual categories and purposeful fraud by producers and sellers of equipment.

Ing. Vladimír Stupavský, redakce TZB-info, Klastr Česká peleta

Czech Statistical Office published in the February 2017 data from a large sample survey in Czech households with an Energy 2015. This survey was focused mainly on the consumption structure and methods of use of particular fuels and energy. The data focus on historical comparisons and consumption trends from 1991 to 2015. The statistics include methods of thermal insulation of housing, fuel used for heating and hot water, the average consumption of Czech households, types of heating sources, etc.

Ing. Jakub Maščuch, Ph.D., Ing. Petr Mydlil

Paper describes selected effects of implementation of biomass microCHP generation in Czech legal conditions. Selected demonstration of biomass CHP is described and basic operational energy balances are presented. Comparison of microCHP and ordinary biomass boiler energy balance were performed. MicroCHP technology WAVE, which is being developed at CTU UCEEB in Buštěhrad, is described. Operational parameters of WAVE and future development outline were discussed.

Ing. Josef Hodboď, TZB-info, redakce

ERU has compiled the inventory of actual prices of thermal energy for holders of licenses for the production and distribution of thermal energy on 31. 12. 2015 and prior to the year 2016. The office added it to historical data since 2006, so it contains last ten years.

Ing. Zdeněk Lyčka, APTT

The Ministry of Environment intends to publish the changes for the second round of grants for the replacement of boilers in March 2017. Prefer to be renewables, coal-fired boilers will have less support than before. Until now, the accepted 26,000 applications for grants, money is one-third depleted.

doc. Ing. Tomáš Matuška, Ph.D., ČVUT v Praze, Univerzitní centrum energeticky efektivních budov

The article deals in detail with the solar water heater from the EU Commission Regulation 812/2013. It describes what information provides the label and how it originated classification in the relevant energy efficiency class water heating.

Mgr. Mikuláš Vargic, Doucha Šikola advokáti s.r.o.

In relation to the decentralized electricity production development, the issue whether it is possible to sell generated electricity directly to users of apartments in residental buildings, offices or other areas without using the distribution grid, is on the agenda.

Břetislav Koč

The article describes the specifics of offshore wind turbines, their construction, history and development.

Ing. Jan Antonín, Ph.D., Ing. Magdalena Purkrtová

For more than a year, a nearly zero-energy standard has applied to certain buildings. In the Czech environment, specific technical parameters for such buildings have been known for three years. And for over six years, the Directive on energy performance of buildings has been in force, imposing the obligation upon EU member states to introduce this standard.

Nevertheless, it seems that for many experts, including those in the field of energy, this term is still quite unclear. Many imagine buildings coated with photovoltaic modules from the ground to the roof, buildings which are better than passive ones or buildings which are self-sufficient, i.e. completely independent of public energy networks. Given the fact that the concept of a nearly zero energy building is very distant from such notions, and because this standard will soon become obligatory for all buildings, including small family houses, let's have a look at what a nearly zero-energy building really is.

prof. Ing. Karel Kabele, CSc., Ing. Miroslav Urban, Ph.D.

The article describes the impact of the contemporary and future legislative requirements for new buildings in terms of their conception and utilization of renewable resources. Soon, the requirement of quality standard is going to be effective in the Czech Republic that is called building with nearly zero energy consumption. That quality standard is defined at national level by legal regulations based on the requirement of European standard. On examples of family house, residential house and administration building, the impact of the to-be-established requirements for building conception is being demonstrated from the construction as well as the technical systems' point of view. With the existing development trend maintained it can be expected that a building with nearly zero energy consumption will have, comparing to an existing building, a better quality building shell, technical systems working with high efficiency and potentially may but needn't be, partially supplied by renewable energy resources.

prof. Ing. Juraj Bilčík, PhD., doc. Ing. Július Šoltész, PhD.

For rational design of concrete structures, it is necessary to take into account all types of loads to which the structure is exposed during the execution, operation and reconstruction. Biogas tanks belong to the group of constructions where the indirect and environmental loads represent a high risk to the reliability, particularly in terms of their serviceability and durability. The article analyses the effects of these loads as well as the causes of separation cracks formation.

doc. Ing. Tomáš Matuška, Ph.D., ČVUT v Praze, Univerzitní centrum energeticky efektivních budov

This article summarizes the basic concepts of Commission Regulation EU 811/2013 and 812/2013, focusing on solar equipment, solar water heaters and solar packages. Describes the responsibilities of suppliers who place such products on the market.

Ing. Zdeněk Lyčka, APTT

Operators of boilers and heaters, solid fuel for power from 10 to 300 kW, connected to a hot water heating system, left last month in order to secure the obligatory checking its source authorized person (if not already). Perhaps the biggest problem are false inspectors who at the gullible and "ignorant" operators carry out checks without having to be entitled. Thus, the inspections carried out are usually cheaper than controls carried out by an authorized person, but from the perspective of the law are invalid.

Ing. Michal Lom, doc. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.

This article is the third in a series of Smart Cities - the cities of the future, which is aimed to provide some concrete solutions and applications of smart cities, that are already being applied in the world and tries to describe their contribution to public administration and urban residents. In this article, we focus on two areas of Smart City - Smart Living and Smart Environment.

Ing. Vladimír Stupavský, redakce TZB-info, Klastr Česká peleta

The European Parliament approved November 23, 2016 the new limits for selected emissions and air pollutants. For Member States resulting from this new commitments to reduce certain emissions in two stages - from 2020 and from 2030. For the Czech Republic based on commitments to the middle threshold in comparison to the commitments of other EU members. Prescribed emission reductions will be mainly sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, ammonia emissions and fine particulate matter (airborne dust).

Ing. Pavel Friedel, Ing. Václav Peer

The article describes the formation of various types of impurities (solid, liquid and gaseous) during the gasification of solid fuels. In each type of reactor (refer to article Gasification – principles and reactors) is produced different amount of impurities with different composition. In this article are described formation and chemical composition of the impurities.

Břetislav Koč

The construction of wind power plant in comparison with other types of electricity generators is relatively fast and simple. Even so, it has its obvious specifics which are reflected not only in the construction and transportation of parts, but also in the length of the permitting process in proportion to the time of construction. The seventh episode illustrates how to build a wind power plant.

Ing. Vladimír Stupavský, Ing. Jaroslav Bečvář

At the level of the family living in the houses have increasingly promoted the combination of a new wood-fired boiler with a solar thermal system. Investors installations thus combined technologies monitor both reduce their energy costs and increase comfort and simplifies operation of facilities providing heat for heating and hot water.

Ing. Vladimír Stupavský, redakce TZB-info, Klastr Česká peleta

The European Parliament approved 4. 10. 2016 climate treaty and the European Union joined by China, the United States, India and other countries in the fight against the increase in greenhouse gas emissions and the use of coal in power.

Mgr. Jiří Zilvar, redakce

Renewable energy support in the form of net metering had considerable impact on renewable energy expansion in the US. Despite its popularity it was also criticized as a threat to the earnings of energy companies and hence their ability to provide energy services. With growing installed capacity of photovoltaic systems, some states have decided to revise the policy of net metering.

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