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Ing. Václav Matz, Ph.D.

The paper presents the possibility of heating regulation by using of zoning regulation systems. The paper describes the main functionality of zoning wired a wireless regulating systems. Detail description of wired and wireless zone systém differences is mentioned. By using of zone regulating systems it is possible to reduce heating costs and improve comfort in our homes.

Bronislav Bechník

The costs for the support of energy from renewable sources is one of the regulated items in the prices of electricity. The costs for the distribution of electricity are also among the regulated items. The price of the electricity itself is not regulated and is determined by the trade at the power exchange market based on supply and demand.

Ing. Jan Antonín, Pavel Kopecký

From the phase of architectural studies, the building process goes through steady changes. The expert "forecast" of the thermal behaviour of these buildings will almost always be hampered by the lack of input data. However, even in such cases there are ways to provide valuable information about future features of the project. The information doesn't need to be always accurate. For example, if we asked if the building will be low-energy, it would be enough to know, among other things, if the resulting heat needed for heating will not exceed a certain threshold. We are able to identify this already at the stage where we have a clear idea about, for example, the properties of windows or the exact shape of the building. In this case, it is appropriate to extend the standard calculation procedures to be able to describe not only one chosen object, but a number of variations that may occur depending on what the we know about the building at a given moment. This presents a method for design and estimation of thermal-technical properties of family houses with very low energy requirements. The method uses the creating of variants with the Monte Carlo simulation applied to the parametric model house (monthly calculation according to EN ISO 13790 and 730329 DESERT). The results show the influence of individual characteristics of the building on the heat balance and makes it possible to optimise the overall building.

Ing. Jan Hrdlička, Ph.D.

We kindly invite you to the international conference Energetics and biomass 2010 held under auspices of the Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at CTU in Prague prof. Ing. František Hrdlička, CSc., on 10. - 12. February 2010.

prof. Ing. Jan Tywoniak, CSc., ČVUT Praha, pracoviště UCEEB

We can observe in the Czech press a significantly higher frequency of expressions suchs as passive house or energy-efficient construction, specially in connection with the subsidy program “Zelená Úsporám”. However, the reality is that the number of passive houses built is very low, moreover, in some of the so called passive houses there can certainly be doubts about their actual properties.

Tomáš Králík

The concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has been dramatically rising for the past 150 years. This fact and the possible link between GHG concentration and rising temperature of the Earth caused that the reduction of greenhouse gases has recently emerged as widely discussed issue.
First step to cut CO2 emissions is to identify countries with the highest contribution to the worldwide emissions. From this point of view the emissions of China and USA are very similar.
However the information about absolute CO2 emissions per country is not fully correct for most of comparisons. Much better is to compare CO2 emissions per capita. From this point of view, which comes from idea that every people have the same right to consume the natural resources and produce waste, the emissions of China are much lower than that of the USA.
Information about CO2 emissions is relatively simple indicator. There are more complex indicators that should be used in case of sustainable development assessment.

Ing. Antonín Vojáček

Alternative energy sources are gradually taking a growing share in the worldwide production of electricity. Solar power is perhaps the easiest to implement and least expensive, its use is not too complicated and can you can easily experiment with it even in a small scale. It is easily accessible to anyone interested in environmentally friendly production of energy. To get started with it, it is just enough to buy one solar panel with a few additional components, and place it on a sufficiently sun-lit place and the production of energy can begin. Certainly, an interesting idea for users is that after the initial investment the system for several years basically doesn't have any requirements, and that it will produce energy for free.
A solar panel (photovoltaic panel or module) is a part of several interconnected solar units with a usual output of around 300W, which generated an voltage corresponding to the multiple voltages of the interconnected individual units. The source of higher outputs consisting of several interconnected solar panels is usually referred to as a solar power plant.

Bronislav Bechník, Radim Sroka

In the 1970's the interest in renewable energy sources increased considerably due to the energy crisis. At that time, the fist extensive and reputable studies were published, which talked seriously about the fact that conventional energy sources are exhaustible. The Czech republic adopted its first energy policy in 1992 in agreement with the regional environmental limits of coal.

Ing. Jan Hrdlička, Ph.D., Erika Santlerová

The article deals with real experiences of growing of an energetic crop - the sorrel. There are described four selected locations concerning the crop production and applied treatment, including future outlook. The article also includes the price estimation of energy of 1 GJ from the sorrel, based on available data.

Ing. Renáta Schneiderová-Heralová, Ph.D.

The interpretation of the concept of sustainability in the construction industry has developed these twenty years. In the first phase the problem of limited resources, especially energy had to be addressed as well as minimising the environmental impact of buildings and constructions processes. The next phase focused on the technical design of structures, particularly the choice of materials, building components, construction technologies and building design in order to increase their energy efficiency. Currently, the "soft" aspects of sustainability are gaining importance. They are generally regarded as crucial for a sustainable development in construction. The study results show that the traditional evaluation of projects can not dequately and comprehensively reflect effects of the environment and therefore, does not meet the principles of sustainable development. The work was created as part of the research project "Management of sustainable development, life cycle of buildings, construction firms and territories" (MSM 6840770006) funded by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports at the Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering, and offers not only evaluation but also new options and Trends.

Ing. Aleš Rubina, Ph.D., Ing. Olga Rubinová, Ph.D., Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, Ústav technických zařízení budov, VUT v Brně, Fakulta stavební, Ústav technických zařízení budov

Air conditioning and ventilation systems show big energy consumption in buildings. Measure of the consumption of electrical energy for the conveyance of air is SFP. SFP is defined as the total consumption of electrical energy by the all of fans in the air-distribution systems, defined by the total volumetric air flow through the operated space under nominal loads. The article presents influence of design equipment on energy consumption.

Bronislav Bechník

Energy Regulatory Office (ERÚ) announced „adequate“ feed-in-tarif (FiT) for photovoltaic electricity. Based on actual situation on Czech PV market it is recommended to reduce FiT for systems below 30 kWp to 11 200 CZK/Wp and for systems above 30 kWp to 9 000 CZK/Wp (actual exchange rate is 25,785 CZK/EUR, see this site).
The recommended values of FiT correspond with actual situation on Czech PV market. Unfortunately exchange rate of Czech koruna (CZK) to Euro is instable. Exchange rate of Czech koruna to Euro oscillate in wide range from about 28 in beginning of 2008 to about 23 in August 2008 and back to about 29 in February 2009. In case the exchange rate will be on upper level the growth of photovoltaic installations will cease. On lower level FiT will be very profitable again.
On other hand future prices of PV modules are unpredictable. Actual rapid fall of prices is mostly based on decrease of price of Silicon as raw material. If the price of Silicon will rise after financial crisis will end, the prices of PV modules will rise too. The prices of modules will probably never exceed last year level, however prices high above 2 €/Wp are possible. According to those uncertainties the FiT could become either excessively profitable or purely restrictive.

Tomáš Matuška, ČVUT v Praze, Univerzitní centrum energeticky efektivních budov, Ústav techniky prostředí, Fakulta strojní, ČVUT v Praze

The application potential for solar energy use in buildings lies in supply of thermal and electric energy and natural daylighting. To use incident solar energy from building envelope effectively, multi-functional construction elements combining several purposes should be introduced as a standard part of building construction. Examples of such concepts are presented: hybrid air/liquid collectors for heating and ventilation purposes, hybrid photovoltaic-thermal (PV/T) collectors for combined thermal and electric energy supply (glazed, unglazed, air/water cooled), linear Fresnell lenses collectors for removal of heat load from direct component of solar irradiation to thermal storage and allowing the natural diffuse daylighting.

Ing. Ondřej Šikula, Ing. Olga Rubinová, Ph.D., VUT v Brně, Fakulta stavební, Ústav technických zařízení budov

Solar collector is designed to obtain part of heating requirements of the buildings from the sun. Air-type collector that use air as the heat transfer medium is one of the simplest methods of solar heating. This solar heating technique can be made part of house design and construction.


Even wind power plants need means of transportation to take service crews to their workplaces. At the moment, there is no European standard for this kind of equipment – though it is prepared, so let's have a look through the eyes of the author of this article at how this issue is seen in North America, and what was exhibited related to it at the trade fair in Chicago.

Bronislav Bechník

From point of view of energy balance every biomass is accumulated solar radiation. It is estimated that about 30 % of biomass is used as food and feed and 20 % is production of forest. Despite fossil fuels the biomass is the most significant energy source in the world. Recently it is not issue however in case of large expansion the energy use of biomass can compete with use as food and feed.
In the Czech Republic it is assumed that the biomass will remain the most significant renewable energy source (RES) at least until the end of the next decade. Energy potential of biomass is limited by production ability of landscape on one hand and by other opportunities of use of biomass on other hand. Expansion of the other opportunities is usually not taken into account in energy predictions.
Energy balance (EROEI) of biomass plantation strongly depends on proportion of use of heavy machinery and transportation distance. EROEI of spatial energy crops is better than that of food production. Although energy yield is highest when the biomass is harvested in summer the biomass harvested next year in spring contains much less moisture and thus is suitable for direct combustion.
Compared to other RES the advantage of the biomass is easy accumulation or (if you like) possibility to harvest in desirable time, easy control of energy supply in accordance with actual demand. In most cases exploitation of equipment designed for fossil fuels is applicable. In renewable energy mix responsible position of biomass is (despite other potential) in balancing of production of sources that are fully dependent on weather - photovoltaic and wind.

Ing. Tomáš Matuška, Ph.D., ČVUT v Praze, Univerzitní centrum energeticky efektivních budov, Ústav techniky prostředí, Fakulta strojní, ČVUT v Praze

Guaranteed solar results concept introduces a way how to assure the energy savings of realizied solar systems, the economics of installations and declared reduction of emissions. Guarantee of savings creates a pressure on system supplier to deliver the best quality automatically and provides a surety bond for investor at the same time.

Bronislav Bechník

From point of view of energy balance every biomass is accumulated solar radiation. It is estimated that about 30 % of biomass is used as food and feed and 20 % is production of forest. Despite fossil fuels the biomass is the most significant energy source in the world. Recently it is not issue however in case of large expansion the energy use of biomass can compete with use as food and feed.
In the Czech Republic it is assumed that the biomass will remain the most significant renewable energy source (RES) at least until the end of the next decade. Energy potential of biomass is limited by production ability of landscape on one hand and by other opportunities of use of biomass on other hand. Expansion of the other opportunities is usually not taken into account in energy predictions.
Energy balance (EROEI) of biomass plantation strongly depends on proportion of use of heavy machinery and transportation distance. EROEI of spatial energy crops is better than that of food production. Although energy yield is highest when the biomass is harvested in summer the biomass harvested next year in spring contains much less moisture and thus is suitable for direct combustion.
Compared to other RES the advantage of the biomass is easy accumulation or (if you like) possibility to harvest in desirable time, easy control of energy supply in accordance with actual demand. In most cases exploitation of equipment designed for fossil fuels is applicable. In renewable energy mix responsible position of biomass is (despite other potential) in balancing of production of sources that are fully dependent on weather – photovoltaic and wind.

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