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Ekonomicky rentabilní provoz i při snížené výkupní ceně

seebaWIND Service GmbH představí v září na veletrhu WindEnergy Hamburg (23. až 26. 9. 2014) nový servisní balíček pro pokračující provoz větrných elektráren.

V důsledku novelizace zákona o podpoře OZE (EEG), která vstupuje v platnost v srpnu, bude stále důležitější optimalizovat stávající větrné elektrárny a udržovat je v provozu co nejdéle - dokonce přes 20 let.

Základem servisního balíčku je dlouhodobý sběr a analýza provozních dat. To v důsledku umožňuje predikovat poruchy nebo potřebu servisu. Je proto možno s předstihem objednat potřebné komponenty a servisní zásahy provádět v měsících, kdy jsou z hlediska výroby energie horší větrné podmínky.

seebaWIND Service presents a new model for the continued operation of wind power plants at WindEnergy Hamburg

Osnabrück, 1 August 2014. seebaWIND Service GmbH will be presenting a new service package for the continued operation of wind power plants at the trade fair WindEnergy Hamburg this September. In keeping with the motto “Service Thought Through to the End”, the service provider, itself not affiliated with any manufacturer, will be showing how one can continue to operate wind power plants economically even at reduced feed-in rates by using intelligent monitoring.

“Since the revision of the renewable energy law, as it comes into effect in August, will not only limit the construction of new wind power plants but also repowering, it will become more and more important to optimise existing plants and keep them running as long as possible – even beyond 20 years”, explains Holger Hämel, managing director of seebaWIND Service.

Intelligent Data Analysis

An essential component of the new service package captures and assesses data over the long term: this knowledge helps operators and appraisers to judge which components, at the end of their operating life time, have already reached their permissible load and which ones have a remaining buffer for several further years of operation.

seebaWIND Service can capture the plant data as well as the operating and weather data by means of the intelligent data management system WINTELL®. This system, which was developed by seebaWIND’s cooperation partner Maintenance Partners, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Japanese industry concern Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, links all the values in a cross-over analysis. WINTELL® calculates the service life of individual components and forecasts malfunctions, breakdowns or even yield growth at an early stage. This way, necessary replacement parts can be ordered ahead of time or maintenance and repair work can be conducted in months that have less wind, thereby increasing the plants availability to generate energy.

Integration of Storage Models

“With WINTELL® we are able to increase a plant’s technical availability, optimise its performance and, thus, increase the yield significantly”, promises Holger Hämel. But not only does yield prognosis become important, but so do the possibilities for storing energy. Since direct sales will increasingly become compulsory, whoever sells his electricity according to need will profit in the future. So that plants do not have to be shut down when demand is low, which could result in an overload of the grid, seebaWIND Service plans to include, in addition to using WINTELL®, the integration of storage models for wind electricity in its service packages.

seebaWIND Service GmbH will be presenting its services from 23 to 26 September at WindEnergy Hamburg at Stand 483 in Hall B6. At 10:00 a.m. on 24 September, seebaWIND Service invites journalists to attend the press talk “Service Thought Through to the End” at its fair stand.

About seebaWIND Service GmbH

With headquarters in Osnabruck, Germany and two service centres, seebaWIND Service GmbH is a service organisation for wind power plants and specialized in working with plants of Nordex, Fuhrländer and Senvion (formerly REpower). seebaWIND is, however, independent of any company. The services the company offers range from technical operation management with 24/7 remote monitoring as well as service, maintenance and repair of wind-power plants. seebaWIND Service also offers its customers the opportunity of joining purchasing pools for replacement parts. The company currently employs approx. 60 highly qualified employees and manages approximately 564 wind power plants with a power output of 890 MW. seebaWIND Service belongs to the Windnetwork 360°, the only nation-wide service network independent of any manufacturer for wind power plants of Nordex, Fuhrländer and REpower.
